Preparing for the Future of Global Work

The future of work has been a hot topic for several years now, but what exactly is it and what does it mean for you and your organization?

The future of work can mean different things to different people. If you’re an employee, most likely you’re concerned with remote work and flex time. You want flexibility in how you do your job, when you do it, and where you do it.

If you’re an employer, you’re probably thinking about things like artificial intelligence and automation. You’re focused on how technologies will impact how your business operates.

But the future of work is also GLOBAL.

And one thing that organizations aren’t thinking enough about is CULTURE.

But not the culture you are probably thinking of…

I’m talking about intercultural skills and communication — how people do business differently around the world.

We need to teach the proper intercultural skills to develop global leaders. Intercultural knowledge must be ingrained within organizations and get buy-in from the top.

The future of global work will be led by organizations that make culture a key part of their corporate strategy and available to all.

For more information on the future of global work and how to prepare your organization, contact me at or visit me at



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